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Selectmen's Minutes - January 5, 2000
Selectmen Meeting Minutes
January 5, 2000

Present - Judy Murdoch, Cathy Kuchinski, Daniel Webster, Stephanie McSweeney and Peter Jones

7:35 p.m.   Chairman Webster called the meeting to order.  He explained the format to be used during the interviews  would be the same as the previous evening.  

Interview with Robert Nunes - Mr. Nunes gave a brief educational and experience history.  Currently the Mayor of Taunton but his term expires on Tuesday after serving 8 years.  Cited many accomplishments while Mayor.  He indicated he would have no problem moving from Mayor to Executive Secretary.

Dan Webster - Explain the what you feel are the appropriate standards for an Executive Secretary.  Mr. Nunes feels that the Executive Secretary must be able to work with people and departments, understand financial matters, be a leader, follow direction, understand municipal and state government and be customer friendly.  How would you resolve conflict with a subordinate, peer and board member?  He would listen to both sides and try to understand the issue at hand.  Feels all conflicts should be dealt with in-house.  Must communicate openly and put the best interest of the Town first.

Stephanie McSweeney - How would you restore the confidence in the position?  Mr. Nunes indicated that he would work closely with the Board and departments.  He would maintain an open door policy and let people know they are part of the process.  He feels he can instill cooperation with employees and department heads.  How will you insure that the town departments are carrying out their jobs?  Mr. Nunes would meet with all departments and discuss goals and objectives.  He would bring in innovative ideas, help out with contracts, assist in research, but will not manage the departments.

Cathy Kuchinski - How do you deal with citizens who are opposed to a project and what did you do to get them to come around?  Mr. Mullane would meet individually with people and discuss the challenges and stress fiscal constraints.  He would explain that some requests would require cuts elsewhere.  He cited the waste-water plant and landfill expansion in Holbrook as examples.  He met with the media, community groups, coalitions in order to bring people together and gather advice.  What steps would you take to insure that the Board members are all on the same page?  Mr. Mullane believes it is crucial that all members have the same information and would notify each member.  Would like to have goals and objectives each year.  

Judy Murdoch - What is your collective bargaining experience and how do you see working with the Board.  Mr. Nunes explained that he had dealt with collective bargaining for 5 to 6 years and then hired a labor relations person and get outside legal counsel.  He has worked directly with grievance hearing with department heads and employees.  He would keep the Board informed of the status of the contracts.  How do you see the transition with the finance committee?  Need to have a strong relationship with the finance committee.  Need to be conservative in estimations of revenues.  He would establish team meetings every three weeks so that all the departments know the financial status of the town.  

Peter Jones - Explain the impact of technology, GIS, Internet access on town services?  Mr. Nunes explained the changes that have taken place since he has become Mayor.  Feels that towns need to reach out to various schools and colleges to come in and train personnel.  Suggested purchasing consortiums for services as well as supplies.  Please list grant which he has been involved in.  Mr. Nunes listed a host of grants obtained for Taunton.  He indicated that he would work with departments in an effort to obtain grants.

Dan Webster - How many years would it take for someone to make an impact?  Mr. Nunes couldn’t give a number but indicated he is committed to doing the job and would work nights and weekends as necessary.  Would work as a team.  The first year would be a “get to know you” year.  He would keep conflicts in house.

In closing Mr. Nunes indicated that it would be an honor to serve the town.  Cites experience in state and local government and understanding and experience in contract negotiations.  He would be a hands on manager and has no problem going from an office holder to working for a Board.

8:35 p.m. Mr. Nunes left

Goals & Objectives and evaluations - Dan Webster indicated that the Board will be discussing goals and objectives for Carole McCormack, Barbara Gomez, Sam Germaine and Merry Scozzari next meeting.

Board of Health request for additional 8 hours for the office staff to complete the year end reports.  

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Cathy Kuchinski to approve Board of Health request for 8 additional hours.  Voted 5 - 0.

Conservation Commission Staffing - The management assistant in the Conservation office has been out due to medical reasons.  Discussed extending her sick time, no request has been received at this time.  Recommendation to check with the Communication Center and see how the matter was dealt with in the past.  Dan Webster to check with Chief King.  Also request for input from the Conservation Commission.  

Board of Assessors - Request for vacation coverage for five weeks.  Board would like specifics from the Assessor as to how many hours they are requesting per week.  Cathy Kuchinski expressed concern that employees are granted 5 weeks vacation at one time, particularly during the busy time of the year.  Suggested blocking out certain times of the year when employees would not be allowed to take vacation time as well as limited amount of vacation time taken at one time.  It was pointed out that this individual has been granted similar vacation requests in the past without a problem.  Tabled the request until next meeting and asked that the Assessor be present to clarify the request.

Town Clerk request - Request for coverage while she is on vacation.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Cathy Kuchinski to approve request from the Town Clerk for vacation coverage.  Voted 5 - 0.

8:55 p.m. Recessed.

9:10 p.m. Reconvened - Interview with Kevin Donovan - Mr. Webster explained the process and Mr. Donovan gave his background information - currently Town Administrator in Rockland.   

Dan Webster - Describe the standards for an Executive Secretary.  Mr. Donovan believes the executive secretary should be a generalist and a jack of all trades.  He must bring people together.  He doesn’t view the position as the boss.   How would you resolve conflict between subordinate, peers and board members?  Must have open communications.  He would call in a subordinate and be sure that the instructions and communications were clear.  Peers would be handled through the Executive Secretary and then brought to the Board if a resolution could not be reached.  Conflict with a Board Member would need to be resolved one on one on a professional level and then taken to the full Board.  

Peter Jones - Explain your relationship building plans.  Mr. Donovan indicated that he has an open-door policy which has been very effective.  He would report to the Board.  It is necessary to understand all aspects of the position.  Teamwork is essential.  Cited the landfill project in Rockland.  What part did you play in establishing technical needs of the Town.  Mr. Donovan indicated that there had been a computer plan in place when he started in Rockland.  He has internet access at him workstation and feels that technology should be a priority.

Cathy Kuchinski - Explain a situation in which citizens have opposed your decision and what steps you took to change their minds.  Mr. Donovan again cited an open door policy and referred to a junk yard problem in town.  He indicated that he explained the law to everyone in an effort to resolve the situation.  How would you educate the public about municipal government?  Mr. Donovan indicated that with the Board’s approval, he would speak to civic organizations and groups.  He feels it is very important to have open communication with the community.  How would you fit this into your schedule?  Mr. Donovan indicated that Hanson would be his first priority and to date he has not had any conflicts in Rockland.

Judy Murdoch - Please list your collective bargaining experience.  Mr. Donovan indicated that he is involved in all aspects for negotiations and grievances.  Works with two Board members.  Usually settles without arbitration and Town Counsel is not involved.  What is your relationship with the Finance Committee?  Mr. Donovan attends the Finance Committee meetings with the Town Accountant.  He drafts the budget and forwards it to the Town Accountant.  He feels that everyone should be unified when Town Meeting commences.  

Stephanie McSweeney - How will you restore the confidence in the Executive Secretary’s position?  He would maintain an open-door policy.  Everyone’s problem is big to them and it should be viewed that way.  He would listen to complaints and work with the individuals to resolve problems.  How can you insure that the departments are doing their jobs?  Staff meetings would be necessary.  Mr. Donovan indicated that he would build trust between himself and other departments.

Judy Murdoch - What is your interaction with the School Committee.  Mr. Donovan indicated that he has a good working relationship with the school committee and department.  He explained the process used for creating a school budget.  

Cathy Kuchinski - What steps do you use to insure all the Board members are on the same page.  Mr. Donovan indicated that he would draft memos along with back up material every Friday.  He would call the members and maintain open communication.  

Stephanie McSweeney - How would you handle citizen complaints.  Mr. Donovan said he would handle complaints using a complaint form and follow ups.  He would put individuals on the agenda if they requested.

Peter Jones - Please explain your experience with grants.  Mr. Donovan reviewed a list of grants he has obtained for the Town of Rockland

Mr. Donovan final comments included his commitment to the Town.  He summed up his work experience and thanked the Board for the opportunity to interview.

Discussed hiring process - Chief King updated the Board on the reference checks and explained that each member of the Search Committee was seeking different information from various sources in each town.  He recommended that the Board members make their own inquiries.  Discussed the selection process and dissemination of the reference information.  Discussed holding a joint meeting with the search committee.  Committees to meet on Friday.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Cathy Kuchinski to adjourn.  Voted 5 - 0 to adjourn.

        10:20 p.m. Meeting adjourned.